Tuesday, October 10, 2006

This is a totally essential download if you make clothing in SL:
SL Clothes Previewer

It's an offline previwer! There should be angelic music playing when it opens, really. It makes uploading alot less frustrating, because you dont have to actually BE on Second Life while you're doing all your photoshop stuff.

I know when i upload a image and and then try it on the avatar i ususally have to fix something 500 times and try again only to find its just a tiny bit off, while the lindens are going down the drain. Its now a thing of the past guys. In the words of famous Aimee Webber, Yay!


Indie Rainbow said...

I officially love you more than I ever have before, Nylon.

hold me?

Anonymous said...

Wow Nylon, this is amazing.
Im not a clothing designer but i am happy to see you can preview it know outside Sl. Runs to the store to buy a wacom tablet :D
Thank you and you are really inspiring.

Menno Ophelia